Welcome to the Ian Moyes website

Friday November 30, 2007 21:07

The Funeral
About Ian
Ian's Interests
Press Articles
Photo Album
Article Submission
Article Index
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Welcome to Ian's Website!

This website has been created in memory of Ian; it will contain pictures, stories, and other items of interest. If you would like to add an article to this site, please use the "Article Submission" page; if you you prefer to send an email tribute to be included on this site, please email tribute@ianmoyes.com. If you have suggestions for improving this site, or have ideas on other items you would like to see included please use the "Feedback" page or email tony@ianmoyes.com

What's new?

Please read the latest articles:

Ian's 52nd Birthday:

From Will

From Sharon

Other articles:

"Tribute to Ian" from Andy Smith

"Flower of Scotland" from Noel Algar

"Ian's 50th Birthday" from Sharon

"Moyes Family Update" from Sharon

"Poem for Ian" from Julie Cullen


See the photos of Ian's Memorial Bench at Brocket Hall bought by some of his friends, as well as some

 other new photos

Click here to view articles and feedback recently posted

Favorite Links

Sincere Thanks

Some interesting links:

bullet Merry Widow
bullet British Heart Foundation
bullet Isabel Hospice

Sharon, Laura and William would like to thank everyone for the fantastic turnout at Ian's Funeral Service and Reception, as well as the many generous donations to the British Heart Foundation and Isabel Hospice. Those donations totalled over £10,000 including an extremely generous £3,500 to each charity from Siemens UK and AG.

They would also like to thank everyone for their cards and letters containing many kind words about Ian, as well as offers of support

Photo Album

Message Board

This section shows a selection of photos of Ian and his family, friends and colleagues over the years; if you wish to post one, click here: Photo->

You can post an article or send an email message here; perhaps some words to Sharon, Laura and William via email, or some pictures or a story about Ian that you recall and would like to post on this web site
bulletSend an email message to:
bullet Sharon
bullet Laura
bullet William
bullet Post a new article on this site
bullet Search the posted articles for a word or phrase

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This site was last updated Friday, 30 November 2007 21:07 by Tony Irving